European Certification Body – ECB ensures Burglary Protection for Safes
Reliable safe testing in periodically reviewed laboratories
Test methodology for secure storage units complies with European
standard EN 1143-1ECB puts burglar resistance of safes to the test
Frankfurt, 9 September 2019 You should be able to rely on tested security. But can buyers of secure storage units really trust that they will reliably protect their cash, jewellery and other valuables from thieves?

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ECB•S: Publication of ECB•S Recommendation for Service, Repair and Modification Operations
Preconditions for service operations that need to be carried out on locks, secure storage units as well as data cabinets and rooms

ECB•S: Publication of ECB•S Recommendation for Service, Repair and Modification Operations
Preconditions for service operations that need to be carried out on locks, se-cure storage units as well as data cabinets and rooms
Frankfurt/M. – February 2018. At the end of last year, the European Certification Body GmbH published a non-binding service recommendation for service, repair, modification and maintenance work on ECB•S certified products. The aim of this recommendation is to ensure a proper, comprehensible and, above all, comparable procedure for service operations.
As a rule, service operations involves the replacement of high security locks with electronic locks, the retrofitting of electronic locks, the exchange of seals as well as emergency openings and the subsequent repair of secure storage units. Based on these particular characetristics, service operations should be carried out by the service staff of the certificate holder or by a service company. The certification body ECB therefore recommends that service staff (service technicians of the certificate holder and/or the service company) must be trained and brought up to date at regular intervals. Proof of professional competence may be give e.g. as follows: Training by the certificate holder, many years of practical experience, many years working in a manufacturing company (certificate holder) in the field of technology, service, or similar and participation in various training courses at educational institutes which deal with these topics on a regular basis.
As proof of the quality of the service performed on ECB•S certified products, ECB may, on request of the service company or the service department of the certificate holder, carry out a so-called “service audit” once per year. In the main, this audit covers the procedure applied in the service operations and its documentation based on this ECB recommendation. If external quality surveillance audits are already carried out at the manufacturing company at regular intervals, they may be combined with a service audit. After a successful audit, the company will receive a confirmation to the effect that the service centre is monitored by ECB at regular intervals. The complete ECB•S recommendation for service, repair and modification operations can be found here.
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